Reenfoque Houston (Houston Refocused) – in Spanish interviews a specialist on Acupuncture and discusses what it is.
Show: Houston Refocused
Television program local to Houston, that highlights the community’s needs as well as some of the changes that occur in the city.
Houston Refocused – Lee Hilling
Houston Refocused interviews Lee Hilling and discusses his non profit organization and the book that explains it all.
Houston Refocused – Kim Rocco Shields
Houston Refocused speaks with filmmaker, Kim Rocco Shields about her latest film that has had some success in the film festival circuit.
Houston Refocused : Cuddling Care, Inc.
Houston Refocused is a new show about the communities that are part of the city of Houston. This includes but not limited to non-profits, cultural events, venues, and the arts.